Labour Second Stage

Labour occurs in three stages. Find how what happens during labour in the second stage including information about labour contractions. Find reassurance and be for your labour and birth with an understanding of what to expect when you go through labour and give birth. Kidspot New Zealand

Perineal massage

Perineal massage during your pregnancy may prevent tearing or an episiotomy during birth. Find out how to safely perform a perineal massage while you are pregnant Kidspot New Zealand's family health section.

Labour third stage

Delivery of the placenta is the third stage of labour. Find more information on delivering the placenta and what happens during labour in the third stage including information about labour contractions. Kidspot New Zealand

Labour and birth aids

Labour and birth aids help you give birth with comfort. Find how what happens during labour and birth and the aids and support you can pack for yourself. Find reassurance and be prepared for your labour and birth with an understanding of what to expect when you go through labour and give birth. Kidspot New Zealand

Water Birth

Water births are a popular birthing option for pregnant women as giving birth in water will reduce stress on both the mother and baby and reduce contraction pain during labour. Find advice and information on the benefits of a water birth. Kidspot New Zealand

Coping With Contractions

Coping with contractions can be helped using natural assistance during contractions as well as drugs during contractions. Find reassurance and be prepared for your labour and birth with an understanding of what to expect when you go through labour and give birth. Kidspot New Zealand

Assisted Conception

If you're trying to get pregnant or about to our guide to getting pregnant provides you with the necessary information such as preparing to conceive, ovulation calculators, healthy eating and pre-pregnancy checklists. Find everything for babies, toddlers & kids 0-14 - Kidspot New Zealand's

Natural Birth

A natural birth means a vaginal delivery without drugs or medical interventions such as an epidural, pethidine or a caesarian. Find advice and information on giving birth naturally with support from a midwife or birthing partner. Kidspot New Zealand

Labour And Childbirth Fears

Common labour and birth fears during pregnancy. During pregnancy it is common to have fears about labour and child birth. Find reassurance and be prepared for your labour and birth with an understanding of what to expect when you go through labour and give birth. Kidspot New Zealand