4.63 out of 5 – Kidspot mums would purchase ManukaVantage again and recommend it to their friends and family.
ManukaVantage is a healthcare range featuring the exceptional natural healing properties of New Zealand Manuka Oil and premium certified Manuka Honey.
The key ingredients of ManukaVantage have very beneficial healing properties for your skin’s health and your overall wellbeing. The range includes:
Facial Wash with Aloe Vera and Manuka Honey
Contains the combined action of anti-inflammatory Manuka Oil and the antibacterial properties of premium certified Manuka Honey that assists in improving problem skin. This gentle wash unclogs blocked pores caused by the everyday environment and helps to remove bacteria and excess oils, the most common cause of acne and blemishes.
New Zealand Manuka Oil Blemish Gel with Manuka Honey 80+ and Rosehip (40ml)
Contains the combined action of anti-inflammatory Manuka Oil and the antibacterial properties of premium certified Manuka Honey that assists in keeping the skin clear and blemish-free. This acne treatment gel penetrates deep into the pores to absorb excess oils and actively eliminates bacteria, the cause of acne and blemishes.

100% Pure Manuka Oil (10ml)
The Manuka Oil used in the ManukaVantage range has the highest level of anti-microbial activity.
This oil is for the treatment of fungal skin infections, boils, acne, insect bites, cold sores, minor cuts and burns, and is great for nasal congestion.
Antibacterial Spray with Manuka Oil and Manuka Honey (180ml Alcohol-free)
This antibacterial spray contains pure Manuka Oil renowned for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, combined with microbial inhibiting certified Manuka Honey 80+. It can be used on your skin, clothing and on surfaces in the home and workplace.

See more of the range at ManukaVantage.co.nz.
Read the reviews below!
We have given 15 members the chance to trial a selection of products from the ManukaVantage healthcare range.
- If you have received product for review, please scroll to the bottom of the page and add your feedback as a comment. Upload your review photos to this Dropbox folder.
- Each selected reviewer will receive 1 x Facial Wash, 1 x Blemish Gel, 1 x 100% Pure Manuka Oil, 1 x Antibacterial Spray as shown above.
- JOIN the Mums Say NZ Facebook page and keep an eye out for review updates
- PLEASE NOTE: You will be required to post photos of the products as part of your review
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- Kidspot Terms and Conditions: Open to Kidspot members 18+ only. Only available for NZ residents. If you are selected, you will be required to use the product as soon as possible plus supply a review, as set out in our review instructions. Your name and postal address will be given to the supplier for the purpose of delivery of the voucher only.
- Click here for full Terms and Conditions.
I had never heard of manuka vantage before so was super excited to be given the opportunity to trial these products and not just 1 but 4!!
Firstly I tried the facial wash and blemish gel, as a mum of 4 I don’t get alot of time in the mirror so love products that are quick and easy to use. I loved the smell of these products so natural and fresh not a heavy scented product like others I had tried. A little truely went a long way which is great. My skin felt amazing after using these products morning and night for a week. I will me trialing this brand also with my tween daughter as she is experiencing some breakouts and I think this will be a great range for her.
100% Pure Manuka Oil (10ml) & Antibacterial Spray with Manuka Oil and Manuka Honey (180ml Alcohol-free)
My husband actually got super excited to see these 2 products as he is the medical expert in our house, he was straight into the antibacterial spray and he loved the even mist it sprayed. Smell wasn’t too overpowering and it didn’t leave any residue on the hands. The oil is a must in all first aid draws as it has so many uses. We will be adding this one to our car first aid kit.
This antibacterial spray contains pure Manuka Oil renowned for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, combined with microbial inhibiting certified Manuka Honey 80+. It can be used on your skin, clothing and on surfaces in the home and workplace.
So, these products were awesome.
The labeling is fresh and attractive to the eye.
We sampled all 4, but the facewash and blemish gel got the most use! Both myself and my daughter tried these products daily for 2 weeks. The face wash was nice, cleaned off any leftover makeup that my makeup wipes missed and left my face feeling alive and clean. Blemish gel, at first I found a weird tingle feeling, then after a few uses..I was fine. Saw a few pimples clear up quickly. Now the teenager, she found the facewash gentle on her eyes, easy to use and not too smelly (her words) the pimple gel..cold and sticky! But seemed to work!
The antibacterial spray..hmmm.. I want to believe it kills all the little germies.. but its wasnt convincing.
I used mainly to spritz the lunchboxes, clean drawer handles etc. Use more heavy duty spray on my benches with guarantees of 99%protection claims. I did like the fragrance though. Just more on the label about its germ killing power would of sold me more!!
The manuka oil..we used in a few bumps n scrapes with mr accident prone 7 year old, and I rubbed on back of my feet. I’m not sure why. But it seemed to do something to them.felt..a cold sensation, then after a few goes. Less dry skin? I’m sure I will come across other uses soon for the oil!
Nice product range
Appoligies for late post..I though it saved last time..and your email reminders went to junk by default. Thankyou for choosing me 🙂
Hi Team
Sorry first off for the very late review…
Thanks for letting me try
First off, who’s heard of 100% manuka oil.
Not me that’s for sure. But after looking into it seems like its even better than tea tree oil. Which basically you can use for and on everything.
Love it used it on everything from. Toothache,dandruff to removing the sticky residue from stickers.
I definitely recommend this in your house as has so many uses, plus smells way better than tea tree.
Face wash and blemish cream
Can say my face definitely felt cleaner..
Feel alot better knowing its a more natural product.
I have had great results but I have used with the blemish cream, so unsure f I would use on its on.
Plus I used the blemish cream as a full face moisturizer rather than spot care..
(HENCE THE JOINT REVIEW of both products)
But using both products together has given me great results Nd yes I would recommend them to all
Think the face wash packaging could be abit more glam
Anti bacteria spray
Hmm seems like a product I would never use….
But actually managed to book one of those campervan deals(reason for forgetting to post my review)
It was fantastic to spray that everywhere…
Bed,seats,inside cupboards, bathroom and even inside the Fridge….
Gave peace in my mind that everything was cleaner…
Not a product that I would normally even look at but now…
Yea does feel like a product you wanna keep handy in the car or away on holiday….
Just because cant really see physically if it made any different… but for worried mammas its great..
Overall I will definitely recommend this brand and will definitely purchase again.
Nice packing
I have to say, I’ve absolutely loved the manual vantage range .it all smells wonderful for starters . My 14yo son took the face wash to Nelson for 2 weeks and his face was alot clearer acne wise . I’ve been using the spray on everything, tables, kitchen etc and ot sparkles aswell as the fact that I know its germ free .
I’ve also tried the oil out on itchy bites, makes them feel alot better !
Thank you so much for the opportunity to trial this. I definitely reccomend!
Thank you so much for selecting me as a reviewer. What a treat!
I was so excited to open the box. The packaging is beautiful. Very simple and classy.
I used the face wash first and loved the smell and the way that it glides on the skin. It doesn’t foam much but I find foaming cleansers can be a bit harsh so I’m happy with that. Over the course of the week I used it, in conjunction with the blemish gel, I definitely noticed a reduction in spots on my face. Anything that helps with those stubborn spots is new favourite! I didn’t love the smell of the blemish gel, it was a bit strong for me, but given the results I saw using it, I’d still keep using it despite that.
The antibacterial spray is just what the world needs in these COVID times. It’s a bit controversial but I hate hand sanitiser! It’s so harsh on the skin and I try to avoid using it if I can. This wee bottle of gold has saved me from having to use that gastly sanitiser on so many occasions in the past week. I have kept it in my handbag and whenever there’s hand sanitiser to use, I whip my ManukaVantage out instead! I’m not sure if it truly kills as many bugs as hand sanitiser would, but I also don’t necessarily believe in being over the top worried about all germs, so I’m happy with it. If COVID really picks up here, I might go back to the hand sanitiser just in case!
I happened to have a cold during the review period, which was really annoying but the upside was that I got to test the manuka oil as an inhalation to help with nasal congestion. I normally use eucalyptus oil for this and I didn’t know that manuka oil could have a similar effect. It worked great, smelled lovely in the room and definitely helping the congestion overnight whilst I tried to sleep. I haven’t used the oil on any cuts, but I’m sure I will get ample opportunity have two small, accident prone kids.
Overall, I really liked these products. They helped the spots on my skin and they mostly smelt really nice. They are really affordable so I can definitely see myself buying more after I have finished the trial stash. Thanks Kidspot and ManukaVantage!
As a mum of three boys I’m not left with much time for myself. Also entering my 30’s I realised how important our skin is and kick myself for not looking after it sooner.
Cue Manuka Vantage trial!
Upon first inspection I was in awe of the simplicity of the packaging – clear, concise and uniform. TICK!
Reading trough the products I created my “trial skincare routine” to give these all a real good go.
Mornings I started with the Facial Wash – easy to use pump bottle, nice gel like consistency, foams up a little and subtle hints of Manuka honey.
Following the wash I went in with the Blemish Gel. I’d never used a blemish gel before but again compact little pump bottle, the opposite of greasy and rubs in extremely well leaving a fresh refreshing scent.
Focusing on my chin area most
I repeated this duo morning and night. They were both quick to apply and no rushing to get out the door in the morning.
Taking before photos I was pleasantly surprised after using them for 7 days. The redness and spots/blemishes around my chin and jaw had severely reduced – it’s safe to say these do EXACTLY as they say they do! (Have added very raw pictures of the side of my face 😅 in an attempt to show comparison between before & after)
Onto the Antibacterial Spray. The directions and caution label only tell me to avoid contact with eyes and inhalation. Safe to say I followed those and sprayed it EVERYWHERE else! In the world we are currently living in you can’t help but be over the top with cleanliness and disinfectant powers – so I used the spray very liberally. I even took it to my sons sports game and gave him a face squirt for some refreshment and bacteria fighting. The scent doesn’t linger for to long but is very fresh with slight woody tones.
Last but not least the Manuka Oil- 100% WOW! My middle son is our daredevil, so he got the most use out of this product. He’s always ending up with bumps, bruises and scrapes. So I used the oil with some fractionated coconut oil as the carrier and we rubbed it all over his legs and an arm occasionally to cover his injures from his day. I noticed his bruises only seemed to last a few days at most rather than weeks and at one point he had not a mark on his leg! One day he returned home from daycare and had quite a nasty scrap on one finger having come of a bike onto concrete. On went the Manuka Oil; no stinging pain and it just felt great knowing I had this miracle product that would go to work instantly to help heal my boy. 💫
Thank you very much for the opportunity to review these Manuka vantage products. The packaging is nice, simple and fresh looking. My son and I have been using the facial wash and the blemish gel everyday since it arrived with mixed results. The facial wash is nice to use on the skin, it doesn’t foam up much, just enought to smooth it over your skin and it does feel like it is cleansing it and takes off any residual make up left after using make up remover. Mine and my son’s skin felt good after using it, it didn’t feel dry or tight. We then used the blemish gel which feels really good on the skin. It’s a clear gel, a little goes a long way and it sinks into the skin leaving it smooth and no greasy feeling. They both have a mild honey smell which is nice. But just because they felt good to use, they did nothing in clearing up any blemishes on my son’s skin and he said he feels he has more blemishes from using these products. My skin just feels the same and I also haven’t noticed any changes in blemishes.
Next I tried the 100% pure manuka oil. It has a very strong smell, exactly like my Thursday plantation tea tree oil. I tried using it on my face but although it didn’t sting my skin it was too harsh on my eyes even though I didn’t use it near my eyes. My son felt it was too harsh on his skin to use again. It felt nice to use and I’d probably try it with another oil as suggested on the packet. I could see me using this for minor cuts, burns or insect bites to provide relief.
I didn’t really know what to make of the antibacterial spray. I thought it was going to be more like a sanitiser but it doesn’t say on the bottle about it killing all bacteria or what its germ killing capabilities are. It just says it helps to kill bacteria. It says it can be used on face, body and even clothes and surfaces. I wouldn’t rely on it to use like a sanitiser before eating. It has a mild pleasant smell. Not sure of the real benefits of using this one.
Overall the products are nice to use, they are great value for money but not products that I’d buy as I just didn’t get the desired results from them.
Thanks so much for the opportunity to review this. I always get hormonal spots around my chin and jawline mostly (even though I’m nearing 40!). I’ve tried so many products and struggled to find something that helps! I also seem to be quite sensitive to many products.
I’m quite excited about the Manuka Vantage range after trialing them for a week. They are great for my sensitive skin, gentle – but also I can feel they are working to cleanse, and prevent spots. They are also very gentle and not drying like so many products feel on my skin. I’ve used the face wash and acne gel daily, and have noticed a HUGE difference in my skin. Particularly after the week I have absolutely no feeling of under the skin, sore spots coming through. This is major for me because I have struggled getting these in my in my 20s 30s and feel like there is always at least one lurking!
The oil is great for the whole family and we have used on bites, scars, and most recently for blocked noses at night, (I put a bit on a tissue near pillow) it’s brilliant at clearing blocked noses for a better sleep.
And lastly the antibacterial spray is a very gentle and we’ve used on hands and on the benches in the kitchen.
All the products have a pleasant smell, nice packaging and decent sized. The oil is the strongest smell, but I like it! The other great thing about these products is that I could use them on the whole family – I thought it would be just me getting the use out of them but we’ve all benefited from them 🙂 they are also really well priced!