How to remove beetroot stains

If the beetroot on your burger has migrated south to stain your clothing, or furniture, don’t despair! Here’s how to get rid of that obvious red stain, for good.

Options to remove beetroot stains from fabric

Hands up if you’ve ever managed to eat a salad sandwich without a rogue piece of beetroot falling onto your shirt or lap? If you’re like the rest of us, you’ll want to know how to remove the resulting purple stain from clothes. Simply follow these three steps:

  • Rinse. The faster you can flush the stain with cold water the better. If you have to wait until you get home, give the stain a quick blot with a baby wipe, working from the outside in to avoid spreading the stain, and then when you get home give it a proper rinse.
  • Working from the back of the stain, flush the stain with cold water until the water runs clear.
  • Soak the garment overnight in water that’s as hot as your fabric permits.

How to remove beetroot stains from unwashable fabrics

It can be much tougher to remove beetroot stains from unwashable fabrics. If your fabric can’t be washed you can either take it straight to a drycleaner, or try the following:

  • Gently dab at the stain with a sponge soaked in cold water and wrung almost dry. Dab from the outside and blot dry with a dry cloth.
  • Soak a slice of white bread in water and place it over the stain – this can draw out the juice, but be careful when removing the soggy bread so as not make another stain.

How to remove beetroot stains from carpet or furnishings

First of all, dab the stain with a dry cloth to remove any excess liquid.

  • Soak a clean sponge in cold water. Hold it on the stain, then blot with a dry cloth and repeat.
  • For stubborn stains, you may need to mix 2 tablespoons of dishwashing liquid with 2 cups of water and try the sponging and blotting technique.
  • Alternatively, try soaking a slice of white bread in cold water and placing it over the stain. Wait until the stain absorbs into the bread and then gently remove the slice.

Stain remover notes

  • The quicker you deal with a stain, the more likely you are to remove it.
  • Unless it’s a fat stain, cold water is best for rinsing a stain, so as not to set it and make it harder to remove later.
  • Before using a cleaning solution, test on an inconspicuous section, such as the inside of a sleeve, to check it won’t ruin the fabric.
  • Always rinse out one cleaning solution before trying another to remove a stain as certain chemicals are not supposed to be mixed.
  • Read the care instructions on the item of clothing before attempting vigorous stain removal. Some clothing may be too delicate to attempt stain removal and are better taken straight to the drycleaners.
  • Don’t rub fabric harshly to remove stains as this can abrade fibres and cause fading.
  • The white towel blotting method is often recommended for stain removal. Simply fold a clean white towel and, once you have treated the stain with water, gently dab it with the towel and check to see how much of the stain has transferred to the white towel.
  • If using commercial stain removers and detergents, always follow the product label to understand the proper use and safety precautions you may need to take.
  • It’s always easier to treat a stain on a washable fabric.

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