Make a fairy garden

    If you build a fairy garden … the fairies will come. Making a fairy garden is an easy gardening activity for kids.

    Watch the video below to get some great ideas for your own fairy garden.

    What you need:

    • 1 x shallow wooden box (about 60cm x 50cm is ideal)
    • small potplants (make sure you include some flowers, fairies love flowers!)
    • 1 x small dish (for a pond)
    • shells and pebbles (from the beach)
    • soil from the garden (or potting mix)
    • 1 x small packet of decorative pebbles (about $5 from Bunnings)
    • 1 x small terracotta pot (to make a fairy grotto)
    • 1 x small decorative frog (to guard the garden while the fairies are away)


    Watch the video below to see a fairy garden take shape.

    Fill the wooden box with soil.

    Now collect all the bits for your fairy garden and plan out where they will go.  It helps to do a sketch so you will remember when you’re actually planting things and digging holes.

    Dig a shallow hole for the pond. Put the dish in place, then border it with pebbles or shells.

    Put in your plants.

    Place the terracotta pot on its side to make a fairy grotto or cave. Trail the soil inside it so it looks authentic.

    Cover the soil with decorative pebbles.

    Use the large beach pebbles to make a stepping stone path.

    Carefully fill your fairy pond with water.

    Optional extras:

    Use your imagination to create some fairy furniture. We made a bench seat out of sticks and a snail mailbox out of paddlepop sticks and a shell.

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