Top five awesome things to print and make

Top five awesome things to print and make

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In ye olden days I used to BEG my Nanna to buy me the kind of colouring books that you had to paint water onto. Remember  those?  I also super liked the ones that came with a magic pen.  You could colour over the pages, and words and pictures would appear. The pen smelled a bit funny, though. I adored colouring books, activity books, paper-doll books. My crafty roots were established way back then and I was hungry for more papery activities than you could poke a stick at.

Fast forward to now. Grown up? Yep. Still crafty? For sure! Give me a free printable download and I will be cracking out the scissors, glue stick and glitter like a boss. Hit me with a link to a printable pattern or label or sticker and I will press  ‘Control-P’ faster than you can say paper jam!

Do you want to Control-P with me? It’s not as bad as it sounds (honest) and your kids will thank you for the hours of fun that lie ahead! I give you five awesome things to print and make. So grab your favourite kidlet and press Control-P!

paper dolls

Paper dolls from Betsy McCall

I'm showing you just one example of the vintage Besty McCall dolls you can print, snip and play with. There are lots more and they are heaps of fun for little people and big people alike! Let's play dress-ups!

animal masks

Animal masks from Kidspot

This is my favourite kind of craft how-to. It's more of a suggestion you can go wild with (tee hee!), rather than a set-in-stone project.  You can make these as shown, then go crazy with some tape, feathers, yarn or pompoms to make them truly unique. 

bird and hear mobile

Heart and bird mobile from Cannon

I may have chosen this one because I want it in my kitchen! Perhaps you might like this to hang in your window too? Print it out, make a cup of tea and start some careful cutting for a chirpy result.

Face pillows

Face pillows from Ruffles and Stuff

A personalised pillow is not just a super fun project, it's an artsy kind of time capsule, preserving your child's creativity in a super cushy, super cute way.  Make these together for comfy, crafty times!

Viking boat

Viking boat from Ikatbag

A little bit Narnia and a little bit pirate too, make this lovely boat, then customise to your heart's delight! It might need some glitter or some stripes. It may even need some sequins, if you are into sparkles, like me.  Let little imaginations go wild decorating The Good Ship Kidlet!

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