Crying checklist
Babies cry for many reasons but these tips for new parents explain how to find out why baby is crying and what to do about it. Kidspot New Zealand
Babies cry for many reasons but these tips for new parents explain how to find out why baby is crying and what to do about it. Kidspot New Zealand
While all children are different, there are some speech and language milestones you can start keeping an eye out for.
Three to six months is an exciting time in your child's physical development as they learn to roll over and more!
Is controlled crying effective, or just cruel? Can controlled crying cause your baby long-term damage? Kidspot New Zealand
Is your baby teething? Find out more about the signs of teething the the different treatment options available for your baby.
Tummy time is essential for babies' development, hand-eye co-ordination and head control. More reasons why tummy time for babies is essential. Kidspot NZ
Did you know that having "babbling" conversations with your baby is actually an important part of encouraging their communication development.
Making baby food for your baby is easy to do. Get baby advice about cooking, preparing and storing homemade baby food your baby will love.
Find out what you need to know about soy formula and what the World Health Organisation says about giving soy formula to your baby.
While it may be tempting to start with a flourish, the best way to tackle solids is slowly and methodically.
Most babies are born with some type of discoloration on their skin - the majority of these disappear on their own in the months after birth, though occasionally, they increase in size before disappearing. Birthmarks are those marks on the skin that are permanent and may not fade for some time, if at all.
Phasing out the night feed to help your baby sleep longer at night. Tips to reduce night feeding. Find more on Kidspot New Zealand.
Follow the development of your baby's eyesight, from birth to 12 months.
With attachment parenting you can discover what works best – and what doesn’t work at all - for you and your baby.
Learn how to recognise the signs that your baby is tired so you can get them to bed before they become overtired!
Learning to breastfeed your baby successfully may mean that you need to learn different breastfeeding positions so you can find one that works best for you. Get breastfeeding advice and support to make breastfeeding successful.
Breastfeeding babies often try experiementing with biting while breastfeeding. Get baby advice and breastfeeding tips to tackle breastfeeding and biting.
The first week home with your newborn baby can be a shock for new parents. Learn how to survive the early weeks with newborn babies in Kidspot's New Zealand's newborn family health section.
It's often the most prominent worry for new parents, but finding out if your baby is well-nourished isn't as hard as you think.
By six to nine months your baby may start responding to her name and getting anxious when people leave her sight
Breastfeeding: sore nipples. Sore, cracked, tender nipples are part of breastfeeding - it's sad, but true. There are steps you can take, to help with sore nipples and keep breastfeeding on track.
Find ideas for playing with baby to have fun together and aid their development.
Dressing your baby during summer means rethinking the need for hats and socks. Find out what summer clothes are appropriate when dressing baby this summer.
Understand the signs of dehydration and sunstroke in your children and baby.
Caring for sick children is hard work particularly when they are young. Learn about pain relief for sick kids and understand what analgesics such as paracetamol and ibuprofen do to control fever and pain in children. Kidspot New Zealand
Breast milk supply find out the signs of knowing if your baby is getting enough milk as your body adjusts to producing milk to meet your babys growing needs.
Breast care - find information on breast care for breastfeeding mums. If you are suffering from sore breasts during breastfeeding find out solutions here
Find out what you can do to encourage your child's physical development from nine to 12 months and the developmental milestones you might see.
Find out what to expect from your child's social and emotional development within the first three months of their life, and how to encourage them to reach milestones.
Find out what you need to know before storing or using your expressed breast milk.