Our Fun Family Westfield Experience
Get out of the house with the kids to do something fun, but stay warm and dry and overall less traumatised by the drama of weather bombs.
Get out of the house with the kids to do something fun, but stay warm and dry and overall less traumatised by the drama of weather bombs.
Our toy tester Emma and her family have been trying out Kiwi Scrabble and they're loving it! Great for family game nights. Check out her review.
Two of our Junior Toy Analysts have been testing out toys for little imaginations and their reviews are in! From Barbie to Bakugan Battle Arena, these toys are perfect for imaginative play.
This is a different Pikachu - a Detective Pikachu. He talks, sort of, and he investigates. This movie is more of a gritty cyber-punk action film, but is still pretty family friendly.
What do you think every child should have the opportunity to experience, see or do before their childhood is over - a 'bucket list' for Kiwi kids?
The 6th of February every year is celebrated as Waitangi Day in New Zealand. It was on this date in 1840 that the first signatures, both British and Māori, were put on the Treaty of Waitangi (Te Tiriti o Waitangi). Find out more about this special day.
ZURU unveiled two new additions to its ROBO ALIVE portfolio – the Attacking T-REX and Super-Fast, Super-Scary Spider! We're a dinosaur loving family with two boys under 5 and I'm certain the Robo Alive T-REX is going to be firm favourite toy, especially for Christmas!
From as little as $19 per month, your friends and family can enjoy unlimited daytime entry to Auckland Zoo, 364 days a year!
Check the Snowplanet website for full details. Touted as the coolest place in town we went to check out Snowplanet! Could we handle the cool? Could we slip and slide down the slopes with more sliding that slipping? Let's see!
Nanogirl is inspiring kids to engage in science and engineering through explosive and entertaining live shows. Read the review.
So we rejoin the world of Jurassic three years after the events of the previous film, the Jurassic World theme park on Isla Nublar has been abandoned, but the island is about to blow and the Senate isn't interested in saving the dinosaur species.
When all the lights in Axle City go dark, Blaze needs your help using energy and lasers to light up the streets, the racetrack & more! Plus, meet knight trucks and join a medieval race!
Motivating your family to get up and get moving can not only help your wellbeing, it can also stengthen family bonds.
Finally, a free, ad-free and interactive platform full of local content, games and audio that reflects our culture and communities has arrived. Explore HEIHEI!
A movie with a decade of cinematic storytelling and fandom behind it - it feels like the last episode of a favourite TV series that you're sharing with millions of people worldwide.
As the visitor information says "Kelly Tarlton was an amazing man who wanted to bring the underwater world to everyone". We ventured off to Sea Life Kelly Tarlton's to discover this underwater world.
A visually dazzling film sending your kids into the universe and home again with a few lessons under the belt.
We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo ... how about you? Check out what's on offer at Auckland Zoo with our family review and come and meet the animals.
Birds are a favourite pet for babies and kids. Find out the health risks of keeping a pet bird around your family.
Your furry friends, stray animals and even pets of your friends/family may hurt you on accident. If this does happen, here is what you should know.
It was not even a month or two after her arrival, that our first child said those dreaded words, "you never have any time for me".
Introducing your baby and your dog can be a little scary, but there are ways to prepare your furry friend to meet your little one. Try these tips.
There’s nothing more heartbreaking than having to find a new home for the beloved family pet because of health issues in the family. So consider the following before you choose the next addition to your family.
We all know that dogs shouldn't eat chocolate, but are you aware of the other common human foods that you should never feed your dog?
Ready to own a pet? Owning a pet can be a whole lot of loving fun, but it can also be a big responsibility. Here's what to consider first.
You may think that the easiest pet of them all is the humble goldfish – and you’d be right and wrong. Find out how to choose the right pet for your family
Get everyone off to a great start on that all important first day of a family vacation and you set the tone for the remainder of your trip. Happy kids make for happy holidays all round!
Cross your fingers as much as you like for some great weather during the winter school holidays but Mother Nature will no doubt have other plans.
If you're struggling to get your teen involved in family activities, try some of these teen-friendly activity ideas.
Playing the same old car games, road trip after road trip, can get a little tedious. Find some fun new games to try when you head away with the family these school holidays.