Baby routines: six to nine months

By six to nine months your baby is very active and very social, with a wide range of skills and an engaging personality.


From six months, most babies will be having 4 milk feeds and may be ready to start solids. Solids provide your baby with the extra nutrition they need, as well as the practice in chewing.


Start with one meal a day at six months and increase to 3 meals a day by 9 months.

  • Progress to 1/2 – 1 cup per meal.
  • Offer before or after milk feed.
  • Give 2 courses at each meal by nine months.
  • Offer some finger food as well.
  • By nine months food should no longer be blended, but mashed with a fork or finely chopped, so it’s coarse or lumpy. This helps develop jaw muscles in preparation for speaking


Try giving baby a two handled cup with a spout, with cooled boiled water.


  • From six months, most babies sleep about 10 hours at night — but they still need two day sleeps of 11/2 – 2 hours (13 – 15 hours sleep in 24 hours).
  • Make sure you have a bedtime settling routine firmly established, e.g. quiet playtime, cuddle and song.
  • If baby starts waking during the night for feeds, try giving him more solids at each meal during the day.

A typical day – around eight-nine months

  • 6am Breast/bottle feed (180-240 ml)
  • 6.30am Short sleep or play
  • 8am Breakfast e.g. mixed cereal, fruit and yoghurt, toast fingers
  • 8.30am Breast/bottle feed
  • 9 – 11am Settle and sleep
  • 11am Water and a play
  • 12 noon Lunch: e.g. pasta/rice and vegetables or cottage cheese and fruit pieces of soft raw fruit or cheese sticks
  • 12.30pm Breast/bottle feed
  • 1 – 1.30pm Play
  • 1.30 – 3.30pm Settle and sleep
  • 3.30pm Water and a play
  • 5pm Dinner: e.g. chopped chicken/ fish/casserole/meat or fish patties with mashed vegetables, followed by custard and fruit
  • 6pm Bath
  • 7pm Breast/bottle feed
  • 7.30pm Bedtime (settling routine)
  • 8pm – 6am Sleep (10 hours)


Between six to nine months, baby is eager to get moving, and develops many physical skills:

  • Rolling from their tummy to their back (and possibly back again).
  • Discovering their feet.
  • Pushing up on their hands to a lion pose, and pivoting to reach out for toys.
  • Rocking on all fours, then progressing to crawling.
  • Transferring objects from one hand to another.


Choose toys with different textures, shapes and colours:

  • Hard plastic musical balls that roll along the floor.
  • Large soft balls (which baby can squeeze) with bells inside.
  • Coloured wooden blocks.
  • Ideas for play at home
  • Give baby some unbreakable items from the kitchen cupboard to play with: e.g. wooden spoons, saucepans, plastic containers, mashers.
  • Scrunched up cellophane in a net bag (from the fruit shop).
  • A mirror on the floor (make sure it’s secure).
  • Fill a plastic container with rice or pasta for baby to shake.
  • Play “Peek-a-Boo”, where you hide your face and then surprise baby.
  • Sing nursery rhymes.


  • Rotate baby’s toys — put some away for a few weeks then bring them out for a change.
  • Baby walkers (which you sit baby in) are not recommended for safety reasons.
  • Safety is very important as your child becomes more mobile.

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