Pool games for baby: Humpty Dumpty

Pool games for baby: Humpty Dumpty

Learning to swim is a big milestone in a baby's life. Take away the fear from your baby with songs. Learn the cues and watch baby as he learns too. Soon your baby will be jumping in without you. Get him prepared with this learning game.

What you need:

  • a shallow pool; waist deep for mum or dad is fine
  • a supervising adult
  • foam mat (if available)

Number of players:


Sit the child on the edge of the pool or a foam mat if available.

Hold the child's hands and sing:

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
Count 1, 2, 3.

On three, pull your child into the water. If your child is still a little weary of putting their head under the water, do not let them slip below the surface. If they are alright to slip under, let them go in a free fall fashion and upon lifting them up, turn them around and help them paddle back to the edge of the pool.

Notes: This exercise teaches the babies to feel the sensation of free falling into the water and to return to the edge rather than keep trying to go further into the pool.

If your baby is not yet confident in going under the water, you will soon notice that this excercise will help to boost their confidence levels.

Sing to the tune of Humpty Dumpty.

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