Understanding and commemorating Anzac Day

    Anzac Day is observed on 25th April each year. It commemorates New Zealanders killed in war and honours returned and serving servicemen and women. There are lots of ways to commemorate Anzac Day.

    The Anzac spirit has taught us many things; endurance, courage, ingenuity, good humour and mateship. And in these unprecedented times, it’s important we unite together using all of these qualities.

    Join a dawn parade or service

    Many local communities regularly have a dawn parade (or a later service) for returned and ex-service personnel as well as local community groups like Scouts and the general public. Enquire at your local Returned Services Association (RSA) for details.

    If your local RSA is not holding an event or you are unable to attend, you can still take part in Anzac Day commemorations. You may choose to “Stand At Dawn” outside your home or lay a poppy at your local war memorial.

    Find out more about Anzac Day commemorations and what you might like to include in your own.

    RSA Anzac Day

    Anzac activity sheets

    Click on any picture below, then print.

    StandAtDawn Colouring Soldier
    Create your own Poppy for Anzac Day

    Create poppies

    Make poppies to decorate your letterbox, fence or window, or to create a wreath.

    Anzac baking

    Make traditional Anzac biscuits or try one of Kidspot’s Anzac baking recipes.

    The ode

    Anzac Dawn Service

    They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;

    Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

    At the going down of the sun and in the morning

    We will remember them.

    We will remember them.

    E kore rātou e kaumātuatia

    Pēnei i a tātou kua mahue nei

    E kore hoki rātou e ngoikore

    Ahakoa pēhea i ngā āhuatanga o te wā I te hekenga atu o te rā

    Tae noa ki te aranga mai i te ata

    Ka maumahara tonu tātou ki a rātou.

    Ka maumahara tonu tātou ki a rātou.

    Download your own copy here

    Catafalque Guard sentry from TE KAHA at Kranji War Cemetery ANZAC Day Dawn Service. Photo credit Nikki Payne

    Feature image photo credit The NZ Defence Force

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