Kidspot Families Share Christmas Ideas

    Here are some fun ideas for the Christmas season that Kidspot mums have shared with us.

    Christmas Eve

    • Reindeer food – make small bags of rolled oats, small seeds (optional) and edible glitter. Sprinkle on the lawn for the reindeer – and by morning they will have all gone (thanks to the birds). Try this magic reindeer food idea.
    • Sprouting lollies – plant mints in the garden, then once the kids are in bed, replace with a large lollipop on a stick.

    Christmas Decorations & Crafts

    • Make your own balloon Pinata – blow up the balloon and liberally papier mache (buy the glue powder that you mix with water from craft stores). You will need to do this prior to Christmas day. Once dry, cut a hole, fill with goodies, then mend the hole again with papier mache. On Christmas Day the kids can paint the piñata – then when it’s dry, set to work smashing it!
    • Advent Calendar – make your own with an activity for each day. Once the activity is complete, stick a Christmas sticker on. Activity suggestions include writing Christmas cards, making and decorating biscuits, making decorations, putting up the tree, reading Christmas stories, going to the Santa parade, going out to see the lights.
    • Pine Cones – Collect pine cones then paint and decorate with glitter.
    • Baubles – you can buy boxes or tubes of plain baubles and glitter glue. Let the kids decorate and then hang from the edge of an overhanging bench with sellotape until dry (this may take a few days if the glue is thick).
    • Make you own clay decorations: Craft Clay
    • 1 cup cornstarch
    • 2 cups baking soda
    • 1 1/4 cups water
    • Combine cornstarch and baking soda in a pot. Mix in water stirring until smooth. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until consistency is dough like. After cooled, knead. Mold the clay into desired shapes (I used cookie cutters and we rolled balls etc to make beads) Remember to put a hole in if you want to thread or hang. When the dough is dried you can paint. Store any remaining dough in an airtight container for later use. This dough is a lovely white colour, is air dried and doesn’t attract the moisture like salt dough does.
    • This activity provides limitless creativity with art, and boundless ways to express yourselves, and the finished product makes great gifts for grandparents, friends etc.

    Gift ideas

    • Baking Pack – Ideal for children. Put together all the dry ingredients plus print out a recipe. Include a small apron and some baking utensils. Try this cookie idea.
    • Second Hand – save your money and set yourself a challenge that at least some of the gifts you give this year are second hand. If you keep an eye out in garage sales, second hand shops and on Trade Me you can get some great stuff at fantastic prices.
    • Herb Pot – buy a cheap terracotta pot and paint / decorate it. If the children are old enough they can help. Plant with a herb.


    • Make your child’s favourite painting into Christmas cards (you can either have this done professionally or scan it in yourself, and then print out 4 to an A4 page then stick onto card. Keep one each year in a folder and you will be able to look back on them in the future.
    • Each year buy a special decoration for each child. Once they are over toddler age they can choose the decoration themselves. When they grow up and leave home they can take the decorations, and their memories, with them. If you have more than one child, each year store each child’s decorations in a resealable bag or box so you don’t get them mixed up.
    • Print off a photo of each child, glue onto cardboard and cut into a pretty shape. Cut a hole in the top and put the year and the child’s name on it and hang in the tree. Photo – take a photo of each family member in front of the tree, or any place that you can try and use every year. A great way to see how the kids grow.


    • Home-made Icecream – This incredibly easy recipes is also incredibly yummy! Whip 250ml bottle of cream, add one tin of lite condensed milk and 2 crushed Crunchies. Freeze for at least 12 hours – 24 is better.
    • Truffles – 2 packests of biscuits (your choice – try mint biscuits, TimTams, Oreo cookies, Toffee Pops, or just plain). Crush, mix in a 250gm tub of cream cheese, roll into balls and pop in to the freezer for 15 minutes, Melt chocolate melts and cover each ball in chocolate. Leave to set.
    • Choc Chip Log – take a packet of chocolate chippie biscuits and dunk each biscuit in something like kahlua, sherry, baileys, lemonade or raspberry fizzy  and then join them together with cream in a long log. Sprinkle with crushed Flake or chocolate chips.


    1. dawnblyth 02/12/2018 at 4:57 pm

      Thanks for the great ideas!! I remember thinking, ok I admit it it was only a few years ago (as an ADULT) that the mints you planted in soil actually turned into real lollipops -not the parents planting lollipops!! I love the idea of the clay – I think we will do that in the week before Christmas comes. What fun!! Just goes to show that there are activities that don’t cost too much to make or do!!

    2. Shelz69 02/12/2018 at 8:48 am

      What fantastic ideas. I am going to do the balloon pinatas. My kids will love this and so much cheaper than what you can buy at the store. I also love the planting mints and then replanting lolly pops. Ill be doing that as well

    3. Alezandra 01/12/2018 at 10:39 pm

      After reading this article, I just remembered our advent calendar. I usually mix it up with stickers and other craft items in between lollies. The craft clay might be something we can do during the holidays. And pinata! Never seen this craft before, that will be a cool idea too.

    4. kymmage 30/11/2018 at 9:41 pm

      We have done the reindeer food yearly. Its such a great idea and the kids are much more excited about feeding the reindeer than Santa🎅 making our own decorations is so fun. The glitter glue on baubles idea is a winner! Might have to give it a go! And homemade ice cream is now on my list of things to make.

    5. SarahBlair 26/11/2018 at 3:51 pm

      There are some fantastic ideas here, I am giong to make the reindeer food, and I am going to give the advent calendar idea a try!

    6. MuddledUpMolly 26/11/2018 at 3:38 pm

      I love Christmas and this is a fantastic range of awesome ideas to share with the kids!! We already do our own advent calendar which we love wayyy more than the budget chocolate option. I recently heard of someone having a pinata for christmas and I thought it was the strangest thing ever but now that I see it hea=re, maybe it’s not so uncommon after all?

    7. Jen_Wiig 22/11/2018 at 9:13 pm

      Wow!!! These ideas are so so cool I wanna do most of them Haha.
      We are doing a xmas eve box for the first time ever this year and so super excited for it. Deff going to do the advent calendar am so over chocolate ones.

    8. Shorrty4life1 20/11/2018 at 10:04 pm

      Wow lots of cool ideas will Def keep these in mind. Have always done reindeer food but hey spouting lollies now that sounds pretty awesome. Might have to try this one this year. And maybe a few more off the list also while the school holidays have started the week before. Wahoo exciting times ahead.

    9. Mands1980 10/11/2018 at 2:12 pm

      Wow love the balloon piñata idea I have never thought to do this. The kids love doing clay decorations homemade of course and using biscuit shapes as the decoration and putting a straw in to make a hole once dry paint and the attached some string and hang from the Christmas tree. We make the truffles and they taste so so great it’s become a family tradition but I must try making ice cream sounds easy too.

    10. Bevik1971 07/11/2018 at 11:03 am

      Awesome! We do a mini feast and movie night for Christmas Eve each year. Our 6 year old decorates the tree (that’s always fun haha), plus it’s her birthday on Boxing Day so more reason for her to get super excited! The home-made ice cream recipe looks great, think I will try this with her prior to Christmas, gotta have ice cream on the dessert menu! The baking pack is also a great idea as she loves to bake (as do I) and as I have some time off over the Christmas break we can do this together 🙂

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