Around the end of May or early June in New Zealand, the Pleiades cluster of stars can be seen low on the north-eastern horizon just before dawn. This cluster, also known as the Seven Sisters and Pleiades, carries the Māori name, Matariki. The rise of Matariki and the sighting of the next new moon during June/July mark the Māori New Year.
Matariki means the ‘eyes of god’ (mata ariki) or ‘little eyes’ (mata riki). Legend tells the story of the sky father (Ranginui) and the earth mother (Papatūānuku), who were separated by their children. Tāwhirimātea, the god of the winds, became so enraged by this that he tore out his eyes and threw them into the heavens.
When is Matariki?
2022 marked the first time Matariki was marked by an official public holiday. The date for all future Matariki celebrations has been agreed to be the Friday closest to the four days of the nights of Tangaroa in the lunar month Piripi. In 2024 the official holiday takes place on 28 June 2024.
How is Matariki celebrated?
Traditionally, Matariki was a time to celebrate new life and remember those who had passed. But there were also celebrations of singing, dancing and feasting thanks to full food storehouses following crop harvesting and the gathering of seafood.
Modern Māori New Year celebrations were revived in the year 2000 and the popularity of events has grown ever since. Now events to welcome the New Year occur throughout New Zealand, celebrating our unique place in the world, showing respect for the beautiful land on which we live and celebrating the diversity of life. It’s a celebration of culture, language, spirit and people.
Matariki books for kids
Matariki information and activities
Kai (food) for celebrating Matariki
You may not have the resources for a traditional hangi at home but you can still enjoy some traditional foods like seafood, fish and kumara.
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Matariki events across the motu
Written by Kidspot NZ
Do you have any family traditions for celebrating Matariki?
I love the Matariki celebrations they have via daycares and schools now. My daughters come home with beautiful star related art. Last year they made star cookies in class. Another year they had a hangi (at daycare), that parents could come along to as well. I think our community has a kite making/flying event that happens around that time too. It’s great to have a cultural focus, and a way to learn more
We had a Matariki event at my daughter’s school, it was really cool. They planted a tree for a teacher who had passed away at the end of last year then had some shared Kai and hung out,was really nice. The local Astrology Association was going to come with telescopes for the kids to do some night gazing, but it was too cloudy in the end. Still a great night
When my children were at Playcentre we always celebrated matariki and did baking related to matariki. Our local school also one year did looking at the stars at matariki and showed them what to look for in the sky the kids enjoyed this.
It is exciting to see our country starting to more meaningfully embrace Maori culture and include everyone in the process
Our little girl has a matariki celebration at her preschool on Friday which we are all looking forward to 
We had a matariki celebration night at the kindergarten with pizza, popcorn and ice-creams for tea the kids choice of food of course. They did lots of cool lighting and the kids went for a walk outside with home made lanterns they made at kindy when it got dark. They also had their Matua come and they sung songs and danced. It was an awesome celebration and the children really enjoyed it.