10 Clothing Styles Your Man Should Avoid Wearing To Social Events
You're going to a social event and while you've put the effort in to your appearance, your man is not quite scrubbing up, or is even down right scruffy. See the top 10 no-no's
You're going to a social event and while you've put the effort in to your appearance, your man is not quite scrubbing up, or is even down right scruffy. See the top 10 no-no's
Would you like to know something that gets men interested in their clothing and appearance and at the same time makes them look sharper and more put together? Find out here
You and your man are heading out and you have gone to a lot of effort but your man has thrown on his favourite 'good' outfit that is really not good, or even tidy.
Many men don't dress well and after years in fashion retail, Simon Scott has learnt the reasons why. Find out the top 4 and how you can help them change it up.