Is your baby’s hair so long it’s covering her eyes?
Does your little ‘he’ often get mistaken for a little ‘she’?
Has his mop turned from cute-and-curly to rock-star-punk?
If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, then it’s probably time for your baby’s first haircut!
Many mothers have mixed feelings when it comes to giving her baby his first haircut. A first haircut suddenly signifies the end of babydom, and whilst we love watching them growing up we can all feel a little emotional about our precious darlings taking the giant leap from innocent baby to independent toddler. No matter how long you wait, or put it off, it’s an inevitable milestone we must all face. Here are some tips to get you through the first haircut without any tears (from either one of you!):
Have a trim
Remember it’s baby’s first haircut so there’s no need to go for a complete hair-overhaul. Your baby probably only needs a trim to neaten up her locks, or some shaping to frame her face. Make sure you give clear instructions to the hairstylist so that they understand exactly what kind of haircut you are looking for, or your little one might walk out with a buzz-cut you hadn’t bargained for!
Choose a hairstylist you know and trust
You’ll be more relaxed if you already know the person cutting your baby’s hair. If you’re relaxed it may also help your baby to relax. If you don’t know a suitable hairstylist, then ask around – someone you know will be able to recommend a good stylist or salon for kids.
Bring some distractions with you
It’s a big ask to expect babies to sit still while someone they don’t know takes a pair of scissors to their head. Bringing along some tools to distract your baby is a definite must. Pre-prepared snacks, a couple of picture books or a few favourite toys are all great ways to amuse your baby while his haircut is in progress.
Pick the right time
It’s best to take your baby for her first haircut as early in the day as possible. Babies are usually at their best in the morning – fresh from a (hopefully) good night’s sleep, with a full belly. The later in the day you do it; the more likely it is that you will have to deal with tears or tantrums.
Play pretend hairdressers at home
You can get your baby in the mood for his first hair salon visit by doing a bit of role-playing at home. Pop him in a chair in front of a mirror, wrap a small blanket around his shoulders and use your fingers as scissors to mimic the entire experience.You can never be too over-prepared!
Keep a small lock of hair
Keeping a piece of hair from your baby’s first haircut is something you can treasure forever. Take a zip-lock bag with you and collect a small sample. Put their name, age and the date on the bag and put it somewhere safe. It’s a great way to freeze a special moment in time.
Remember, it will grow back!
Don’t panic if your baby’s first haircut does not look as you imagined, sometimes it just takes a bit of time to get used to it. You’ll be surprised how quickly her locks will re-grow, and you’ll be back for haircut number two before you know it!
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