Little Hector and the Big Idea | Book Review

If you’re wanting to raise kids who not only care about the world in which they live but have some kind of kid friendly idea of what one problem is and what they could do to help, then starting with books like Little Hector and the Big Idea will be the perfect conversation starter!

5 year old River’s mind was fixed from beginning to end on Little Hector, the story of a little dolphin and his friends with a BIG problem!

little hector and the big idea
little hector and the big idea

Grabbing River first as always are the illustrations and no surprise with these gorgeous illustrations from Ruth Paul, who incidentally has worked as a costume illustrator for Peter Jackson movies, and is also the author and illustrator of Little Hector and the Big Blue Whale, and the award-winning author of I am Jellyfish.

Then followed the story that captivated his animal loving heart and ignited his eco-spirit. In Little Hectors second adventure, he takes on a huge challenge – fishing nets and plastic rubbish are endangering his beautiful bay, as well as Little Hector and his friends themselves! Little Hector’s games with his friends keep getting spoilt. When it’s not by dangling, tangling fishing nets, it’s by a mess of plastic trash, trash that can end up in places it shouldn’t! He wants to make the bay safe for all the marine creatures to play in again and schemes to stop his bay being spoiled.

little hector and the big idea

River was full of questions about what this BIG problem was actually all about. Not sure if all kids will delve as deeply into topics the way this kid tends to, but it most certainly will gently awaken their curiosity around keeping our seas clean and the lives within them safe. For River the topic opened generously as always and incorporated the need to ensure proper recycling of recyclable products, the avoidance of plastic where possible, proper discarding of waste, avoidable waste and over fishing – I’ve got my hands (and mind) full with this kid!

little hector and the big idea
little hector and the big idea

No wonder River loved the story of Little Hector and the Big Idea, it has everything that stimulates his interests, a challenge, a solution, gorgeous pictures, personified dolphins and clever octopuses, a real life “situation” and a glimpse of a simple offering humans can do to help keep our coastal waters beautiful and safe for Little Hector and his friends.

little hector and the big idea

author ronnieWritten by Ronnie Swainston

Online Producer & Experiences Editor Ronnie is mum to two spirited kids who keep her on her toes. With a love for travel, film, tv, photography & (eating) food keeping her wishing for more time, & having a keen curiosity means she’ll give almost anything a go making her, and her family, up for the job!

Favourite place to be: On an adventure


  1. dawnblyth 30/09/2019 at 1:08 pm

    I think it is great that there are books that not only capture a young person’s attention but have a deeper, underlying story behind them. We read regularly with our two boys and its great when they pick up something from the story, then come back days later and discuss it again. We must look out for Hector!!

  2. MuddledUpMolly 30/09/2019 at 1:05 pm

    This sounds like a great book and lovely to have the review and perspective straight from the child. My daughter would surely enjoy this book, regardless of the topic she loves reading and books!

  3. Alezandra 29/09/2019 at 10:46 pm

    Thank you for this book review. This sounds like a cool book. I wish the review showed the book cover though as I would like to watch out for it at our local library. Love books like this that I can also enjoy reading to my son.

  4. Loucyd3 29/09/2019 at 5:20 pm

    My kids would enjoy this book as they love the sea and all its msny different creatures. They are always curious when they see/find new creatures and will always ask lots of questions.

  5. Micht 17/09/2019 at 9:04 pm

    My daughter is definitely into sea creatures… loves the story of the Lochness monster too haha… they can spend hours at the aquarium just studying them… i love how they look in awe…and how there is so much to explore at sea…these books really jumpstart the imagination too…

  6. SarahBlair 16/09/2019 at 11:26 pm

    My little boy would really enjoy this book, hes far more interested in real life and nature at the moment than imaginary characters. He loves sea life and dinosaurs the most!

  7. Shorrty4life1 10/09/2019 at 8:07 pm

    Sounds like a great book for curious children and it looks so greatly illustrated. River looks like he had a great time with this great read. My children have been learning about saving sea creatures and the polution of the waters at school lately and have shown a very deep interest in it all. This would be a great book for them to read over.

  8. Mands1980 10/09/2019 at 1:39 pm

    This seems to be a big topic of interest amongst lots of kids including mine. I alway say about recycling and not throwing rubbish out of the car I hope they are listening as too much rubbish is ending up where it shouldn’t be. These sound like books ever school library needs as I know they talk about this at school too.

  9. Bevik1971 09/09/2019 at 4:06 pm

    Sounds like a great book! My 6 year old daughter is an avid reader and would really enjoy this book. The illustrations look lovely and can really make a story. She is interested in the environment and animals on both land and sea and is always asking questions, which we try our best to answer 🙂

  10. dawnblyth 06/09/2019 at 1:03 pm

    Our little one is more interested in racing cars and motorbikes most of the time however in saying that he is conscious of when people leave rubbish out and how they shouldn’t be doing that. We haven’t spoken too much about the rubbish going into the waterways at home but I know they have discussed this at kindergarten.

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