Wholemeal pear and ginger muffins

    Wholemeal pear and ginger muffins


    Makes 12 medium or 6 large muffins


    • 75g butter
    • 75g brown sugar
    • 2 eggs
    • 2 medium ripe pearsåÊ cored and cut into chunks
    • 2.5cm piece ginger , finely grated
    • 4 tbsp milk
    • 175g natural yoghurt
    • 175ml wholemeal flour
    • 1 tsp baking powder
    • 1tsp cinnamon



    Heat oven to 200å¡C and lightly grease 12 medium muffin tins or 6 large ones (or line with paper cases).

    Cream butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add the eggs, one by one, beating well between each addition.

    Stir through the pears and ginger. Mix the milk and yogurt together and in a separate bowl sift the flour with the baking powder.

    Gently fold half of the milk mixture into the butter and sugar then half of the flour. Repeat until everything is well combined.

    Divide the mixture between the muffin tins, making sure they are about three quarters full and bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes until golden.


    • If making these the night before, follow the method right up to the point of actually placing them in the oven but cover with plastic wrap and pop in the fridge. The next morning, place in preheated oven straight from the fridge but add 5 minutes to the cooking time.
    • Substitute the pear with apple, berries or dried fruit.
    • If you don’t have any fresh ginger at home, swap for 1 stp ground ginger or even just mixed spice.


    This recipe was created by Sophie Hansen from Local is Lovely. You can follow Sophie on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.

    Serving Suggestions

    Serve warm with natural yoghurt or a smear of butter


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