White Chocolate Easter Egg Cupcakes

    White chocolate easter egg cupcakes


    A great gift for friends and friends’ kids. Even better, take un-iced cupcakes to your get together and let the kids ice and decorate the cakes themselves.


    • 80g white chocolate, chopped
    • 125g unsalted butter, chopped
    • 1 cup caster sugar
    • half a cup (125mL) milk
    • half a cup plain flour
    • half a cup self raising flour
    • 1 egg


    • 2 cups icing sugar
    • 50g unsalted butter, softened
    • 2 tablespoons milk


    • little easter eggs
    • milk chocolate – peeled with a vege peeler


    Preheat oven to 170C. Place cupcake papers in a 12-hole muffin tray. Place the chocolate, butter, caster sugar and milk in a large saucepan over low heat. Stir occasionally until smooth, then cool 15 minutes.

    Sift flours into chocolate mixture and whisk to combine, whisk in egg. Pour mixture evenly into paper cases.

    Bake for 30 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the middle of the cupcake comes out clean. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.


    Cream butter until pale and smooth. Add the milk and half the sifted icing sugar. Beat until well combined. Add the remaining icing sugar and beat until mixture is light and fluffy. The mixture should be a spreadable paste; if it is too dry add some more milk, if too wet add more icing sugar.


    Spread each cupcake with a tablespoon of icing and decorate with three (or more) little Easter eggs and some peeled milk chocolate.

    Serving Suggestions


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