What to know about owning a bird
Birds are a favourite pet for babies and kids. Find out the health risks of keeping a pet bird around your family.
Birds are a favourite pet for babies and kids. Find out the health risks of keeping a pet bird around your family.
Your furry friends, stray animals and even pets of your friends/family may hurt you on accident. If this does happen, here is what you should know.
Introducing your baby and your dog can be a little scary, but there are ways to prepare your furry friend to meet your little one. Try these tips.
We all know that dogs shouldn't eat chocolate, but are you aware of the other common human foods that you should never feed your dog?
Ready to own a pet? Owning a pet can be a whole lot of loving fun, but it can also be a big responsibility. Here's what to consider first.
You may think that the easiest pet of them all is the humble goldfish – and you’d be right and wrong. Find out how to choose the right pet for your family
Kids can be responsible for their pets. Follow these steps for teaching kids pet responsibility including getting kids to walk the dog and more.
Help protect the birds in your backyard and neighbourhood with this easy cat collar craft project the kids can help make.
All kids nag their parents for a puppy at some stage or another. If you're considering giving in, first keep in mind that some dogs are more suited to family life than others.
Bites and scratches from cats and dogs can become easily infected because of bacteria on their claws and teeth. Here are a few things you need to remember..
Dogs are a great family pet and a well-trained dog who knows its place in the family pack is ideal. Your kids can teach the dog to high five with just 10 minutes training every night.
Dog-gone are the days of little laughter in the house when the kids get wind of these great kids dog jokes. From mutt ado about nothing to poochy perfection, we have it covered with these 10 top jokes for kids!
Just 10 minutes of practice before dinner and your kids can teach your dog tricks, including how to shake hands/paws. The best pet dog is a well-trained one who knows his place in the family pack.
Cats are the target of many great children's jokes and these cat jokes for kids are no exception. Print these out for the kids and all of their friends can share in the laughter cats bring into the world!