Mulberry pancakes

    Mulberry pancakes



    • 1 cup self-raising flour
    • 1 tablespoon castor sugar
    • 125 grams Mulberry fromage frais
    • 1 egg
    • 1/2 cup low fat milk
    • 30 grams polyunsaturated margarine, melted
    • 125 grams extra Mulberry fromage frais



    Sift the flour into a bowl, stir in the sugar.

    Whisk the fromage frais, egg and milk together, add to the flour with the margarine, stir until smooth.

    Heat a lightly greased non-stick frying pan to medium-low.

    Spoon a tablespoon of the mixture into the pan, cook for 1 minute on each side or until golden brown.

    Repeat with the remaining mixture (you can cook more than 1 at a time).

    Serve warm or cold topped with the extra fromage frais.

    Serving Suggestions


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