Beef skewers with peanut sauce

    Beef skewers with peanut sauce




    • 600g rump steak
    • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
    • 1 tablespoon hoisin sauce
    • 1 cup peanut sauce


    Trim fat from steak and slice into thin strips about 10cm long. Combine sauces in a large casserole dish and marinade steak for at least one hour or overnight.

    Thread one end of a steak strip onto a metal skewer (if using wooden skewers, soak in cold water for 30 minutes before using), fold back and thread onto the skewer, continuing until the whole strip is threaded on. Thread 3-4 strips on each skewer. Don‰t they look great!

    Preheat grill (or barbecue) to high heat and cook skewers on each side until well browned and cooked to your liking.

    Warm peanut sauce in a saucepan over low heat or in the microwave.

    Serve skewers drizzled with peanut sauce.



    • Marinade the meat overnight, thread onto skewers during the day and then keep in fridge until you are ready to cook.
    • We had leftover rice (see Pantry surprise lamb curry) with our skewers. An Asian-style salad would be a great accompaniment to these skewers, see Thai beef salad
    • Recipe created by Melissa Hughes for Kidspot.

    Serving Suggestions


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