Eye fillet steaks with red wine sauce

    Eye fillet steaks with red wine sauce




    • 1 teaspoon olive oil
    • 4 x 180g beef eye fillet steaks
    • 1 cup (250mL) red wine
    • 2 cups (500mL) beef stock (gluten-free)
    • 20g butter
    • Freshly ground black pepper



    Heat a non-stick frying pan to high heat. Brush steaks with oil and cook as desired (3-4 minutes each side for medium).

    Remove to plate, cover with foil.

    Heat pan over high heat and pour in wine, simmer until reduced by half (about 5 minutes), pour in stock, return to boil and simmer for 10 minutes.

    Add butter and pepper to taste.

    Serve steaks in a lake of sauce with some mash and a green side dish.


    • Eye fillet steak is a real treat – expensive but oh so tender.
    • A very quick and impressive entertaining dish (make the sauce in advance).
    • This makes quite a lot of sauce, I usually have enough left over to freeze some and use some more to flavour a soup or casserole.
    • If you prefer a thicker sauce, simmer longer and maybe thicken with 1 tablespoon cornflour dissolved in cold water.
    • Try other flavours in the sauce: tomato paste, mushrooms, bacon, onion, garlic or tomatoes.
    • Recipe created by Melissa Hughes for Kidspot.

    Serving Suggestions


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