Quick Chicken Casserole

This quick chicken casserole is fast and so simple to make that even the kids could do it.

Mars Bar slice

This is a fun recipe your kids will love to make with you. The Mars Bar slice uses Mars Bars, chocolate, Rice Bubbles and butter to make a perfect sweet treat for your next birthday party

Cheesy Potato Bake

This cheesy potato bake is easy to make and a tasty accompaniment to a BBQ chicken and salad. Using plenty of cheese and cream, the recipe also includes a little fried bacon to give it an extra crunch.

Chicken fried rice

This chicken fried rice is a great quick kids' dinner when you want to use up leftover veggies in the fridge and have some BBQ chicken to hand too! Some quick chopping action and frying pan is all that's needed to get this tasty meal on the table in minutes!

Slow Cooker Chicken Soup

A gorgeous yellow elixir of chicken goodness with all the healing powers that chicken soup can possess. This super-easy chicken soup is a set-and-forget recipe. You can feed a hungry crowd by just adding more water to the pot