Chocolate bar icecream cake

Chocolate bar icecream cake




  • 2L vanilla icecream
  • 1 Mars bar
  • 1 Crunchie bar
  • 1 Cherry Rip bar
  • Grated chocolate, to serve


Take icecream out of freezer and leave at room temperature for about 10 minutes to soften.

Chop chocolate bars into small (or large!) squares and place in a large bowl.

Spoon icecream into bowl and mix well to make sure the chocolate is evenly distributed and not all sticking together.

Spoon back into icecream container or into a round non-stick cake tin.

Freeze for at least 4 hours or overnight.

To turn out, place about 2cm hot water in the sink, dip container or tin in briefly, dry the bottom and then invert onto a serving plate.

I say ‘invert’ but you may need to employ a shaking/banging/swearing technique.

If the cake won’t release, dip it back into the hot water and try again. If it is now too melted, put back into the freezer for an hour or so.

To serve, cut into wedges and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

If not all will be eaten in one sitting, refreeze immediately.


  • Very important to stick to the re-freezing times – once I hurried it along a bit and only froze for 2 hours – ended up with ‘icecream lake’ instead of icecream cake.
  • The first time you make this (and getting a feel for the whole hot water thing), maybe turn out onto serving plate 2 hours before you want to serve, allowing plenty of time to refreeze if necessary.
  • You can of course use any combination of chocolate bars you like.
  • Recipe created by Melissa Hughes for Kidspot.

Serving Suggestions


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