Ham toasties

Ham toasties





8 slices bread
4 thick slices leg ham, chopped
1 cup grated tasty cheese
1 tomato, quartered, deseeded and diced
2 eggs, lightly beaten


Preheat grill and toast one side of the bread. You might need to do this in two batches.

Combine ham, cheese, tomato and eggs in a bowl and mix to combine. Place bread, uncooked side up, on a tray and divide ham mixture between slices. Spread the ham mixture evenly to cover the bread. Grill until golden brown and bubbling.

Allow to cool slightly, slice into soldiers and serve.


My children (who will never eat a tomato) were initially sceptically regarding the red bits, but I assured them it was just like tomato paste (shame on me) on pizza. Unbelievably, calling them Toasties was the key to consumption! The fact that eggs are also in the mix is still my secret…


Serving Suggestions


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