Potato bacon and leek soup

    Potato bacon and leek soup



    • 2 tablespoons olive oil
    • 2 leeks, white part only, sliced
    • 5 bacon rashers, chopped
    • 1kg potatoes, peeled and chopped
    • 1L chicken stock
    • 375mL can evaporated light milk (or cream)
    • parsley or chives to garnish



    Heat oil in a large pot over low heat.

    Cook bacon and leek for 5 minutes until leek is soft.

    Add potatoes and mix to coat in the lovely flavours of the leek and bacon.

    Add stock, bring to the boil, turn heat down to low, cover and simmer for 30 minutes.

    Allow to cool slightly, then use a stab-mixer to puree (or blend in batches).

    Stir through evaporated milk (or cream) and serve sprinkled with parsley or chives.


    • I use Desiree potatoes and a packaged stock from the supermarket such as Continental. I aim to make my own stock…but sometimes you just don’t have the time!
    • As with most soups, this soup is much tastier the next day. Have it bubbling away while you prepare another dish, like this week’s Roast Chicken.


    Recipe created by Melissa Hughes for Kidspot.


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