2018 Dettol Glen 20 Spray Disinfectant

product trial4.69 out of 5 – Kidspot mums would purchase Dettol Glen 20 Surface Spray again and recommend it to their friends and family.

star rating 5

With the onset of autumn, sunny and warm days that allow you to open up doors and windows to keep the home fresh start to dwindle. Wet and colder weather brings dampness, rain-soaked pets, muddy sports uniforms, and dirty work gear – and the odours that come with them! Luckily, Dettol are here to help with their ultimate in germ-busting freshness!

Fast and effective, Dettol Glen 20 Disinfectant Spray is easy to use and cares for your family by killing 99.9% of germs* and viruses** on hard and soft surfaces that you come in contact with every day, such as door handles, bins and toilet areas. It also eliminates odour-causing bacteria, leaving your home smelling wonderfully fresh.

Dettol Glen 20 is fast, easy to use and effective at:

  • Killing 99.9% of germs and viruses on hard and soft surfaces.
  • Killing the source of mould allergens and controlling the growth of mould and mildew on hard surfaces.
  • Eliminating odour causing bacteria to leave your home smelling fresh and clean. Dettol Glen 20 “gets to the source” of the odour without heavy perfume and eliminates damp musty odours in areas where air does not circulate. Ordinary non-germicidal sprays can’t do this.

We gave 300 people the chance to trial and review Dettol Glen 20 Spray Disinfectant. Read their reviews below.

Each selected reviewer will receive:

  • 1x 175g Dettol Glen 20 Spray Disinfectant (Crisp Linen)

**E. coli, Salmonella choleraesuis, Aspergillus niger (Mould & Mildew)on hard surfaces only, Trichophyton mentagrophytes (Athletes foot fungus), Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus pyogenes
**Rhinovirus TYPE 37 (A leading cause of common cold)

(NB To post your feedback, scroll to the bottom of the page and add your review as a comment).

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Kidspot Terms and Conditions: You will be required to post your review on our Product Trials page if you are selected. Your name and postal address will be given to the supplier for the purpose of delivery of the product only.

Photos from our reviewers


  1. lottieg 23/04/2018 at 2:43 pm

    Thank you so much for choosing us for your trial. We received the Crisp Linen and the scent is pleasant and refreshing. The spray button is easy to press – Master 5 has been having fun helping me spray the door handles and can press the spray button with ease. All of the door handles was indeed the first thing we used the spray for. With so many hands and germs passing over them each day I love how quick and easy it is to disinfect them with Dettol Spray. I’ve also been using it to spray out the rubbish bin whenever the rubbish bag is taken out. It certainly has helped to reduce the smell in the cupboard under our sink/where the rubbish bin is.
    I’ve used disinfectant wipes before, and I can see advantages and disadvantages of the spray. The spray is so quick and easy and can be used on things like shoes a bit easier than the wipes can. You do have to be careful though that you don’t hold down the spray button to hard or spray too close as you can get a bit of run off trickle down which then has to be wiped up.
    I’ll probably use a combination of wipes and spray. But will certainly get more of the spray once it’s run out.

  2. Angie95 23/04/2018 at 2:42 pm

    I LOVE IT 😍 , this product is beyond amazing knowing that this disinfectant spray works wonders also killing 99% germs makes me feel at 🤗 ease. The smell of the fresh linen does remind me of clean sheets coming straight out the wash, I sprayed this all over my rubbish bin 🗑 my shoes 👞👟👠 my cats bed 🐾🐈and recycling bins and it’s a stench I can now handle. Thank you 🙏detol for creating such an easy and efficient product that I now use as a must have on my cleaning products list. Wicked stuff 👏👌

  3. tallsonn 23/04/2018 at 2:40 pm

    Thanks kidspot and Dettol. I have just received my Glen 20 spray to trial and as soon as I had unpacked it from the box I used it on my son’s (stinky) sandals as I saw on the can that it eliminates odours. Well it has certainly done the trick! Will keep trying it around the home and at work on my keyboard and desk which is often used by others when I’m not there.

    • tallsonn 23/04/2018 at 2:45 pm

      We continue to use this spray and are loving it! Have used it (as others have) on remote controls, keyboards and the computer mouse. It’s great as doesn’t leave any residue. Thanks again!

  4. crank 23/04/2018 at 2:07 pm

    What I love about this spray is that it’s so versatile – being able to use it where you wouldn’t want to use a liquid disinfectant is great. I took down the curtains from one of the bedrooms and they were so musty and suffering from a few mould spots. I sponged them down but they were still stinky. I sprayed them with the Dettol Glen 20 and they now smell divine plus I know that the mould won’t get any worse. I also use this regularly in the bathroom to not only disinfect the toilet, handles, basin, etc but also to make it smell so much better haha. It also worked well on the cats bed to remove the musty smell.

  5. Charlotte 23/04/2018 at 2:06 pm

    This was fantastic and well timed! We adopted a new kitten and had to keep her inside with some kitty litter for a few days and the spray masked the smell wonderfully. We’ve also been using all over the house. With the wet weather we’ve been drying our clothes inside which can usually make a room a little musty but this has solved that problem. It’s been perfect to use in the bathroom, garage and on the kids toys our furry friends love to lounge over. Will definitely be buying again – love the fresh scent!

  6. Mands1980 23/04/2018 at 1:52 pm

    Thank you for letting our family trial this great product. Dettol Glen 20 has been used on all our house hold items from rubbish bins to bench’s in the bathrooms, window sills in bedrooms and bathrooms that have a bit of mould. It’s great knowing that the spray is killing of the bad bugs 99%. We will definitely buy this again.

  7. zackandemiliasmummy 23/04/2018 at 1:34 pm

    Thank you for letting us trial this amazing product!! I love this so much, the smell, the ease of use! I use it everywhere from the toilet to the kitchen, i love that it doesn’t leave streaks on my kitchen bench like most cleaners and that i can use it on the kids bedroom furniture to keep away germs and bugs!
    This is now part of my weekly shipping list!

  8. Lauzieg 23/04/2018 at 11:06 am

    Thanks for this awesome product! I received the Crisp Linen Glen-20 dettol-glen spray and we love it!
    The smell is lovely, long lasting and refreshing! I love how easy and quick it is to use and being Dettol- you know that it’s safe for the family.

    It’s great for wiping down the highchair and does a great job on the grubby straps.
    Have used on the kitchen benches and it does a great job of cleaning the surface and leaving the kitchen smelling amazing
    Also great for wiping down those plastic table cloths.
    Will definitely buy again and recommend to family and friends!

  9. Stef Chapman 23/04/2018 at 9:37 am

    I really enjoyed how easy it is to use this spray, no cloths required! Just spray and walk away, which is fanastic for a busy mum who doesn’t want to spend too much time cleaning. I used it on my rubbish bin, door handles, taps and especially my highchairs, as those straps get really dirty and can’t go in the washing machine for a good clean. The smell was lovely and every time I came home I could smell it and it was great.

  10. vintagewarrior91 23/04/2018 at 7:40 am

    I trailed the Dettol Glen 20 in crisp linen. It was a great product to try out. I used it in my kitchen on the work surfaces, fridge/freezer and the oven top. I also tested it out in the door handles throughout the house as I hate dirty handles. Does the job perfectly. I wasn’t too keen on the smell as it was slightly over powering so definitely open windows and don’t have the little ones around when cleaning . Apart from that I loved the end result. I will definitely buy again and recommend to friends and family.

  11. Kim Malcolm 22/04/2018 at 6:55 pm

    Well I am a bit Meh on the product. I tried it and loved the smell, but other than that I have to take their word that the spray actually works. And with both my boys coming down with colds, the irony hasn’t been lost. While the product probably works, its not something I would buy.

  12. Syboo 21/04/2018 at 10:33 pm

    We love Dettol Glen 20! Thanks for letting us trial the Crisp Linen scented spray. This product definitely kills bad smells. I used it for the rubbish bin and the yuck smell is gone! We have some mould issues in our bathroom due to a leaking pipe. I sprayed and the mould has not come back yet and no bad smell anymore. Winter is coming and flu season on the door step so I also used it on door handles, keyboards, remotes and even my phone and kids toys and shoes. What a great feeling to know the germs get killed. I will definitely continue to purchase Dettol Glen 20 and try other scents.

  13. Naomi8 21/04/2018 at 8:13 pm

    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to review this product! 🙂 I really liked it, I found it better than our usual product we have used for many years (without naming names) kitchen gets pretty grubby with all the cooking etc and I found the Dettol spray to work amazing, will definately purchase at our next shopping day 🙂

  14. VionaG 21/04/2018 at 4:51 pm

    I love the Dettol disinfectant. I have used it in the rubbish bin, kids shoes, the toilet and our bed too. The scent is refreshing for me and I like the fact that it killed the bacteria and made the odour gone 🙂 Definitely recommend this product

  15. Brynne 21/04/2018 at 2:09 pm

    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to review this product. I had really high hopes for it and was really looking forward to trying it. Sadly I found the scent was so pungent after just one small spray thatvit was difficult ri spray. With a small toddler underfoot it was something that I did not want her breathing in, let alone adults. In saying this it was very easy and friendly to use and it did a really good job in cleaning and disinfecting the hard surfaces. If there was an odor free one I would defintlet buy it to use again just not a scented one.

  16. mumofsuperheroes 21/04/2018 at 1:17 pm

    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to review the product Detail Glen 20. I recieved the fragrance ‘Clean Linen’ and it was a lovely fresh fragrance that didn’t dominate a room when sprayed. The container itself I had no problems using, just point and spray and came out nice and consistently. This is not something I would normally buy. I tend to go for spray and wipe products but it’s definitely something I’m glad to have in the house with kids and a dog. It gives you peace of mind that you’re killing bacteria you can’t see and leaving a fresh fragrance so that your house smells great. And it’s easy! So far I have used the product in our rubbish bin to clear the smell and bacteria. Over the kids tables/highchair. And a gently spray over our rug that gets covered in kids spills, dog hair/smell etc. I will also be using it in our car which needs a bit of freshening up. 100% recommend giving this a try due to it’s many uses!

  17. eibbob 21/04/2018 at 9:31 am

    Thak you for letting me trial this product

    It camr at the best possible time, our youngest had a gastro bug and had thrown up all through his car seat!

    after washing the cover it still had a lingering smell but after using this product its now gone! AMAZING

    I also used it around the house to try and stop the bug spreading further within the household.

    DEFINITELY will be buying it again!!!

  18. KellyCarr 20/04/2018 at 8:18 pm

    Firstly thank you for the opportunity to review this product, it couldn’t have come at a better time. My youngest son is just getting over a nasty virus so i have been using this spary to limit the chances of everyone else in our home catching it. What an amazing product easy to use, smells amazing will definitely be something thats on our shopping list this winter

  19. EmmaV 20/04/2018 at 7:37 pm

    This product is amazing!! I’ve used it on the kids stuff, around the home, on surfaces etc. absolutely loved it! Will be an ongoing purchase in my home.

  20. 2cats4life 20/04/2018 at 7:18 pm

    Fantastic product. It arrived at the perfect time we have just started toilet training and it’s great to spray over the opps places after I have wiped up and I know all germs are killed. The smell is so refreshing I found it great to spray on mattress and in the shoes. I will buy it again. Thank you for letting me try it

  21. jessiecressie 20/04/2018 at 6:58 pm

    Brilliant!! Love love love that its a soft furnishings disinfectant aswell as hard surface!

  22. Heather_D 20/04/2018 at 6:57 pm

    I think Dettol Glen 20 is a must have in any home, but definitely a home with kids, and mess (the two come as a package!!). We’re toilet training our youngest at the moment, and so the potty stays out, and readily available, and despite thorough cleaning it always leaves you wondering. I sprayed the potty after every use/clean.. and felt that things were more hygenic, and it definitely smelt great. Same in the toilet – I have a 6 year old boy and ‘aim’ is still being worked on, so wiping down surfaces, and floor and then spraying with Dettol Glen 20 just gives piece of mind – especially if guests come around!! Same with kitchen surfaces – after each meal, and wipe down I then sprayed the benches etc. There’s no limit to the uses of the product, and I’ve since bought 4 cans, putting them in toilets, one by the potty and one in the kitchen! Love the product! Thanks for the opportunity to trial a great product!

  23. Charlottevh 20/04/2018 at 6:22 pm

    Awesome stuff! Love that it does different things, especially as gastro has just ripped through our family this was very useful and piece of mind for knowing that I had got rid of the nasty bugs!

    Also a really great product for sanitising the babies toys especially since I often buy second hand ones.

    My only complaint is that it’s quite strong! I would use in a well ventilated area.

    Overall, love it! Going to be a staple on the grocery list!

  24. irateelf 20/04/2018 at 3:50 pm

    I quite like the scent of this spray but do find it a little strong/overwhelming. Dettol Glen 20 spray fulfills a few vital tasks for me. We get really damp windows during the winter, which end up growing mould very quickly. After cleaning any mould off with vinegar I spray round the frame edges where it usually grows with Glen 20 to help slow (hopefully prevent!) it’s return. When anyone in the family has a cold or tummy bug I use it on door handles, light switches and toilets. It also comes in handy for deodorising the carpets oiccassionally – we have very old carpets and dogs! This is one of the few anti-bacterial products I’d buy simply because it has a few specific uses for me that I have yet to find another product to do and the scent really freshens things up (handy before a rental inspection!).

  25. Mummyof3 20/04/2018 at 7:08 am

    I’ve been using this on our nappy bin and it’s great to freshen it up between bag changes and as an air freshener when it gets particularly smelly. Putting it in the bathroom is also great as an air freshener when we run out. The bathroom can get damp in the winter so I’ve sprayed it around to try and combat the mould spots before they start to grow – time will tell if the works. I’m hoping that using it in the floor will help prevent the spread of the verruca that my 8 year old has brought home from school too. Once school holidays are over it’ll be coming with me in my bag to school(work) too so that I can keep my classroom of bugs away from my home!

  26. Jubes 20/04/2018 at 1:55 am

    Im so impressed with this spray…. thank you for allowing me to trial it. First I tried it in the toilet room. It seems no matter how much i clean theres occassions when the toilet smells like a public one 🙈 I found the spray fragrance to be very pleasent, not pungent and over powering like other products Iv used. I sprayed it directly on the floor around the toilet then wiped around it with a wad of paper and flushed it for a super quick freshen up. I then moved onto the edges of the doors where little hands touch alot. The door handles and light switches through the house. I spayed a paper towel and wiped over the remotes. Gave a quick squirt into sons sneakers 😂 and cleaned and sprayed around the kitchen bin area. I am really impressed with the amount of things this product is good for. Its great to know that every so often or when someone in the house is ill I can whip out the Glen 20 and stop the germies in their tracks. I highly reccommend it and will continue to purchase it. Thanks

  27. fliss1 19/04/2018 at 2:22 pm

    I loved this clean linen disinfectant spray. First I attacked the bathroom after darling husband had been wandering round coughing and sneezing. Made me feel nice and safe. After thinking it was great for door handles I moved in onto my workplace.

    I work in an office where we have a shared bathroom and kitchen and open plan desks. It made me feel lovely to spray my desk after cleaning it. Also I skipped a clean or two and just sprayed as there were no marks/dust but I just wanted my desk to feel clean. I found it great to leave in the ladies toilets (in fact I left a spray in there so others could use it). It felt much wiser than an air freshener and I felt cleaner coming out.

    I loved the fresh clean fragrance and it wasn’t too flower/fruity – it just smelt clean to me. Totally putting this on the regular shopping list. I currently don’t know how long it will last but it has already felt “good value” and not run out so wish me luck as I disinfect shared spares at will 🙂

  28. linkingirl 19/04/2018 at 1:56 pm

    I could not test this unfortunately as there was something wrong with the sprayer and it was not spraying correctly, instead it was coming out of the bottom and getting all over my hands. Tried to take the lid on and off a few times, reattaching firmly but no go. Had to throw it out. 🙁

  29. vivianahermida 19/04/2018 at 1:20 pm

    Perfect timing!!!. I feel like Indiana Jones killing germs! :). I have a terrible cold, and as a mum we cannot stop doing what we do, right? So, I been using it all around the house as I don’t want the kids to catch this cold.

    Once I finish to tidy up the bedroom, just a gentle spray over the toys and things I touched is more than enough.
    Another good use for me is when I buy bulk lego from another family. You don’t really know if they were in a garage or in another dirty place. So I wash them and once they are dried, I spray them with Dettol Glen 20. Fantastic!!! . Now, every time I buy second hand things, I just spray them to make sure I kill those germs 🙂

    I was looking for a long time for a product like this, as it really give me that extra peace of mind.

    I found it safe to use it to spray clothes, too. Just a gentle spray, you don’t need to wet them 🙂

  30. Steph 19/04/2018 at 1:15 pm

    What a great product! I’ve been using dettol Glen 20 on our bins after i empty them. They have always been a little gross, even when I’ve cleaned them. Now that they are containing nappies and food scraps and the kids throw out their own rubbish, I feel much safer knowing that the bugs are being actively eliminated and not allowed to grow into something worse. Bonus, the clean linen scent smells great!

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