4 Tried & Trusted Nappy Bag Essentials

In the era of BK (that’s Before Kids) you probably left the house quite easily with your keys and phone and your lack of responsibility … I mean … not a care in the world! But when you’ve got a tiny human relying on you 24/7 you’ve got to be prepared – even if it’s for your own peace of mind.

When you become a parent to a newborn that nappy bag is going to be your best friend and lifesaver. In fact, you will rely on it so much that you’ll be sad when it’s no longer needed and you have to revert to your own now seemingly inadequate handbag or pocket!

After a couple of kids, I gained a reputation for having the most amazing nappy bag that could produce any requirement at a moment’s notice. Obviously, you’ll want the essentials like nappies, a change of clothes and (if you’re not breastfeeding) bottles and feeding items for bubs. But beyond that, the best items to include are things that can double up for a multitude of purposes. – including ways you’ve probably never even thought of.

So, here are my tips for what to include as tried and true must-haves for the nappy bag.

#1 Muslin cloth

It’s odd that we don’t really “discover” muslin until we have babies. This light, easy-to-wash fabric is super versatile. Grab a decent size one and pop it in your bag for these uses:

  • Clean and warm space for nappy changes or play/tummy time
  • Breastfeeding privacy cover
  • Sling it over your shoulder as a burp cloth
  • Swaddle/light blanket
  • Pram/carrier sun cover
  • Bib
  • Comforter
Muslin cloth

#2 Wipes

Long after your babies are out of nappies you will still be buying wipes! Not just great for nappy changes, they’re also handy for cleaning faces and fingers (babies and adults alike), wiping down highchairs, tables and supermarket trolley handles (cos you know they’re gonna lick it!), as well as cleaning up the nappy bag itself when it inevitably gets spillage of something on it.

#3 Resealable bags

When you’re out and about a couple of resealable bags in the nappy bag will get used over and over again. They’re great for keeping dirty bibs, drooled-on t-shirts, and bubs’ soft toy that took a dive into a puddle securely contained away from everything else. Look for ones that can be washed and reused. When your baby moves on to solids you can also keep a food-safe one in the nappy bag for those half-eaten items that bubs will be looking for again about two minutes after you were going to throw it away!

You can also use resealable bags to carry a small number of baby wipes, rather than lugging around a big pack, or to store things that spring a leak like nappy cream or hand sanitiser.

#4 Reusable water bottle

An absolute must for parents on the go is a water bottle for when you work up a thirst. It can also come in handy for other uses too. A splash of water can get sand off little toes at the beach, rinse off a pacifier that’s lost its way into the bottom of the pram or wash away baby’s spit up from the pavement (oops!).

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