18 Old Fashioned Winter Desserts To Make You Glad It’s Cold!

    Fancy schmancy desserts that look like a work of art are all well and good on a reality cooking show, but when you want to serve up a hot, winter dessert that the family will wolf down with joy, you can’t go past a classic, old-school pudding.

    Crumbles, cobblers, sweet pies, rice puds … the memories they evoke of growing up are almost as comforting as the food itself. Grab a spoon and dig in!


    Easy to make, delicious to eat, a humble crumble will warm the cockles of the coldest winter tummy.

    1. Apple and blackberry crumble

    Apple and blackberry make the perfect tart foil for the heavenly crumble topping.

    2. Pear and berry crumble

    Pears make a deliciously sweet alternative to apples in a crumble. Pair them with whatever berries you have on offer. (Anyone notice that deliciously sweet play on words I just did? No accident, my friends.)

    3. Cherry crumble

    When you’ve finished wearing them as earrings, turn your cherries into dessert nirvana by rustling up this divine crumble.

    4. Apple and blueberry crumble

    Is it just me, or does the word crumble start getting funnier every time you read it? Still no less yummy though …

    5. Rhubarb and apple crumble

    Brad and Angelina, Kim and Kanye, rhubarb and apple. Some things were just made for each other.

    Cobblers and pies

    Delicious stewed fruit surrounded by a comforting crust. Desserts don’t get much warmer or cosier than this.

    6. Easy pear cobbler

    Cobbler. Even more ridiculous a word than crumble. May I gobble your cobbler? Tee hee.

    See here for the Easy pear cobbler recipe.

    7. Pecan pie

    There’s a reason this southern US dish is an old-fashioned favourite – it’s super tasty y’all!

    8.  Mini apple pies

    The only thing more comforting than a serve of apple pie accompanied by a big dollop of ice-cream? Getting a pie all to yourself!

    See here for the Mini apple pies recipe.

    Bread and butter puddings

    Bread and butter. On its own, not altogether exciting. Turn it into a pudding, however, and it’s the best thing since, um, sliced bread.

    9. Bread and butter pudding

    The ol’ faithful version, just like Granny used to make. (If you had a granny that used to make bread and butter puddings).

    10. Chocolate bread and butter pudding

    Just like Granny used to make, but with chocolate. So even better. (Sorry Gran!)

    11. Raspberry chocolate bread and butter pudding

    Just like Granny used to make, but with chocolate and raspberries. Oh come on, you’re just getting greedy now.

    Rice puddings

    Rich, creamy and filling, rice puddings are a traditional winter dessert from days of yore that your kids will go crazy for.

    12. Traditional rice pudding

    Simple to make which is a bonus, because you’ll be asked to make it again and again and again …

    13. Brown rice pudding with cinnamon

    The brown rice adds a deliciously rich nutty taste and brownie points on the nutritional front.

    14. Rice pudding with glazed pears and hazelnuts

    This looks a bit fancy and Masterchef-y, but is a cinch to make and kids of all ages will love it.

    Old-school classics

    These classic puds have been passed down from generation to generation. With good reason.

    15.  Golden syrup dumplings

    Sticky, gooey, sweet puffs of joy.

    16. Butterscotch self-saucing pudding

    Present it at the table and wait for the collective ‘mmm’ as the family watches the sauce trickle down the sides. This is what memories are made of, people.

    17. Chocolate self-saucing pudding

    There’s just something about a pudding that sauces itself … See above for serving instructions!

    18. Sticky date pudding

    Has its own special place in the Most Decadently Delicious Desserts Hall of Fame.


    1. Kjgee 23/05/2018 at 11:26 am

      Yum! My go to is normally a self saucing choc pud but I’m excited to try some of these! My mum always made rice pudding and golden syrup dumplings remind me of my Nana. Love our food can take us on a walk down memory lane!

    2. Alezandra 16/05/2018 at 8:42 pm

      Why are all the articles seem to be revolving around food? But I totes like them. Some new receipts to try out here. Before moving to New Zealand, I never thought i can bake or make desserts truly…but they all make it sound so easy.

    3. SarahBlair 11/05/2018 at 10:24 pm

      Oooh yum!!! These are bringing back so many childhood memories!! My mum would always make dessert and most of these were in her repertoire. I will have to make some for my kids, it will be like passing on a tradition!!

    4. Mands1980 29/04/2018 at 3:11 pm

      We love apple and rhubarb crumble and rice puddings especially in our house and chocolate self saucing pudding. The dumplings sound nice too we love having these over winter especially but we have to have cream or ice cream with it yummy

    5. felicity beets 27/04/2018 at 7:59 pm

      i love self saucing puddings and crumbles – especially with vanilla ice cream – perfect for winter

    6. MuddledUpMolly 24/04/2018 at 3:17 pm

      Mmmm yum yum! We don’t normally consume dessert as a family but I must say that there is something comforting about eating a nice yummy warm home-cooked dessert during these colder autumn/winter months 🙂

    7. kymmage 11/04/2018 at 12:50 pm

      Can’t go past a good crumble in winter. We do feijoa and apple. Also bread and butter pudding too – hot cross buns work just as well as toast 👍

    8. Shorrty4life1 11/04/2018 at 12:03 pm

      Yumm these sound delicious 😋. Might have to try some of these recipes in the colder upcoming season.

    9. Bevik1971 11/04/2018 at 10:21 am

      Yum, yum, yum, yum!! 🙂 I LOVE homemade warm desserts! No wonder I put on weight over winter haha. Anything with pears and self sauce have to be my favs – nothing like a warm pudding with a big scoop of ice cream on the side to melt into it <3

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