Peanut biscuits

We know that peanuts are no longer school lunch box friendly, but if your family doesn’t have a peanut allergy then these peanut biscuits make a great after school snack.

Milo Biscuits

These chewy, malty Milo biscuits are a hit with kids, big and small! Bake a batch as an after school snack served with a glass of milk or pop one in a lunch box for a special treat.

Quick scones

These quick scones are just like Nana used to make! A splash of lemonade and a dollop of cream in the mix and you've got a soft, easy to knead dough that will be in and out of the oven before you can say, butter and jam!

Anzac muffin

With all the flavours of the original Anzac biscuits, coconut and golden syrup, these muffins are moist and delicious. Pop them into lunch boxes or whip up a batch for afternoon tea.

Easy five cup loaf

This 5 cup loaf is easy and can be made from ingredients in your pantry. It's a great fallback recipe for when you are out of eggs. Make and slice it for lunch box treats, or just pop it in the oven for afternoon tea.

Chocolate chia cubes

Got a chocolate craving? Next time your sweet tooth starts crying out for something yummy, give these chocolate chia cubes a go. Made with spelt and chia seeds, not only will you satisfy your chocolate craving, but you'll get a good hit of healthy wholegrains too!

Fruity lemon cupcakes

These sparingly iced lemon cupcakes are a light change to the regular heavy butter cream icing. These are perfect for a cake stall or school fete. Top with a frozen raspberry so as it defrosts lovely rivers of pink juice works it way down the sides.

Gingerbread folk

Get the kids to help you make these delicious gingerbread people. They'll love helping you roll out the dough, cutting out the shapes and decorating them when they're baked. Wrap them up and the kids can give them out as gifts to their friends!