Easter egg biscuits

    Easter is a great time to hit the kitchen with the kids and get baking. They'll love helping you make this easy biscuits in the shape of Easter eggs - and after they're out of the oven, they can go crazy decorating. Fun!


      What child's eyes wouldn't open in delight at the sight of these pretty clusters of sweet treats. A perfect party food that'll be the delight of any birthday party or special event, these sweet sensations are also simple to make. Kids will love to help make these magnificent morsels.

        Cherry ripe cheesecake

        This deliciously pink cheesecake has a sneaky little cheat in the recipe - using jelly to set the cream cheese filling. How clever is that? Totally sinful, this is the dessert to make when you want to wow an audience of grateful diners.

          Mars Bar slice

          This is a fun recipe your kids will love to make with you. The Mars Bar slice uses Mars Bars, chocolate, Rice Bubbles and butter to make a perfect sweet treat for your next birthday party